Best of British Cheese

Best of British Cheese


We love British cheese, our artisan cheese makers often producing internationally recognised gold standard cheeses. With our Best of British cheese box were are celebrating some of our favourite cheese makers from across the country.

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Cornish Yarg ~150g

An artisan mellow cheese with hints of citrus. Cornish Yarg cheese gets its name from the original cheese maker, Alan Gray (Yarg backwards), who reportedly found the recipe in his attic. The cheese is loosely based on a Caerphilly recipe, and it is wrapped in hand-picked stinging nettles that are completely edible. A team of nettlers applies the leaves in elegant concentric circles. The leaves protect the cheese, while allowing it to breathe and attract the specific moulds that encourage the beautiful almost lace-like appearance of the rind to develop. This in turn begins to break down the interior of the cheese, although the texture remains gently crumbly in nature

Colston Bassett Stilton ~150g

The last had ladled stilton, an exceptionally creamy cheese. Gentler, sweeter and more balanced than a ‘typical’ blue cheese, it boasts a creamy, buttery paste pierced with the delicate blue veining characteristic of a Stilton.

Rutland Red ~150g

Rutland Red is buttered, cloth-bound and matured for six months to produce a flaky, open texture cheese with a slightly sweet, caramelised flavour and rich golden orange colour. It is the only pasteurised Red Leicester produced in the county of Leicestershire.

Isle of Mull ~150g

Our most mature cheddar. A hearty Scottish cheese with a firm, fondant-like texture that tends to be slightly more compact than the other Cheddars we sell. Flavours range from juicy and zesty to boozy and deeply savoury.

Baron Bigod ~150g

The only raw milk farmhouse brie made in the UK - a beautifully strong soft cheese. Beneath the nutty, mushroomy rind, Baron Bigod has a smooth, silky golden breakdown which will often ooze out over a delicate, fresh and citrussy centre. Baron Bigod is made by hand in small batches, very early in the morning so that the farmers can use the fresh milk straight from the cow.

1 x Snowdonia mini Black Bomber cheese truckle

1 x British Piccalilli

1 x Best of Millers Three Fruit Crackers

1 x Millers Plum and Date Toast Crackers

DISCLAIMER - Whilst we will endeavour to stock your hamper with these cheeses, due to the nature of Christmas suppliers, this is not always possible. In such circumstances, we will substitute similar cheeses.

HOW I KEEP | Keep refrigerated, keep wrapped, serve at room temperature, use within 12 days.

IMPORTANT | All our cheeses are cut to order and may not be to an exact weight/measurement, but we will never underweight your cheese. Due to exceptionally high levels of demand it may be necessary to substitute a product to ensure you order is dispatched promptly. We will always pick a suitable alternative that is similar to your requested product, and that will always be of equal or higher value at no extra cost.

If you have any allergens in regards to cheese, please ask before ordering.

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